GSI: General sound interface; the applications (output from version 0.8.x)


gsifile gives file information and converts files (latter part doesn't work yet because the libgsif functions to do so aren't finished). Here's sample output on a hmp file:
$ gsifile test/data/music/hmp/descent-sw10/briefing.hmp

File "test/data/music/hmp/descent-sw10/briefing.hmp":
 format:  HMP
 no comment
 midi format: -1 (unknown)
 midi division: 120
 tracks: 14
 0 : 4     bytes       0 ticks (  0.00 s)
 1 : 3307   ,,     21193  ,,   (176.61 s)
 2 : 262    ,,     15177  ,,   (126.47 s)
 3 : 3216   ,,     14397  ,,   (119.97 s)
 4 : 648    ,,     15112  ,,   (125.93 s)
 5 : 1924   ,,     16361  ,,   (136.34 s)
 6 : 281    ,,     12995  ,,   (108.29 s)
 7 : 3275   ,,     21049  ,,   (175.41 s)
 8 : 46     ,,     21085  ,,   (175.71 s)
 9 : 1270   ,,     21083  ,,   (175.69 s)
 10: 12567  ,,     21197  ,,   (176.64 s)
 11: 2425   ,,     20016  ,,   (166.80 s)
 12: 55     ,,      6197  ,,   ( 51.64 s)
 13: 12567  ,,     21197  ,,   (176.64 s)

 total duration 176.64 s

 Intruments used:
     0 = Acoustic grand piano
    29 = Overdriven guitar
    30 = Distortion guitar
    34 = Electric bass (pick)
    39 = Synth bass 2
    61 = Brass section
    90 = Pad 3 (polysynth)
    92 = Pad 5 (bowed)
    96 = FX 1 (rain)
    98 = FX 3 (crystal)
   163 = Acoustic bass drum
   164 = Bass drum 1
   165 = Side stick
   166 = Acoustic snare
   167 = Handclap
   170 = Closed high hat
   171 = High floor tom
   172 = Pedal high hat
   173 = Low tom
   174 = Open high hat
   182 = Tambourine
   208 = Mute triangle
   210 = Shaker
and here on a voc:
$ gsifile test/data/sample/voc/duke3d/gothrt01.voc

File "test/data/sample/voc/duke3d/gothrt01.voc":
 format:  VOC
 no comment
 blocks: 2
 0 : speed = 8000, channels = 1, type = 8BIT
     data offset: 32
     data length: 16384 bytes (16384 samples)
     duration 2.05 s

 1 : speed = 8000, channels = 1, type = 8BIT
     data offset: 16422
     data length: 5274 bytes (5274 samples)
     duration 0.66 s

 total duration 2.71 s


gsiplay plays midi, hmp, mus, au, aiff/aifc, wav, voc, and controls the cd player and the mixer: e.g.
$ gsiplay cdplay
when the cd is stopped (e.g. gsiplay cdstop):
$ gsiplay cdstatus

cd status 0 (NONE)
Track  0: DATA
Track  1: start m.s.f  0:  2:  0
Track  2:     ,,       4: 38: 45
Track  3:     ,,       8: 16: 55
Track  4:     ,,      11: 41: 10
Track  5:     ,,      15: 49: 17
Track  6:     ,,      19: 32: 72
Track  7:     ,,      24: 25:  0
Track  8:     ,,      28: 27: 32
Track  9:     ,,      32: 39: 27
Track 10:     ,,      36: 29: 50
Track 11:     ,,      40: 33: 10
Track 12:     ,,      44: 16: 57
Track 13:     ,,      49: 40: 62
If the CD was playing, the same result would be obtained but cd status would be PLAYING.

Mixer settings can be viewed with:

$ gsiplay -S

GSI volumes/multipliers (0-256):
  master 200

  pcm    200
  synth  150
  cd     256

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